We had a plan, a plan that was going to make this transition as easy as possible.
Sara was taking the girls shopping for new pillows and pillow cases while having a conversation about big beds and how they were getting to be so big that they did not need cribs anymore. She was explaining how Kinsley still needed a crib because she was a baby, but not them because they were getting so big! Sara even took them for ice cream to put a little bribery in. Over ice cream, she explained how I was taking apart their cribs at home and replacing them with big beds!
Poor Kinsley, it would have been a great time for me and her to have some daddy-daughter time, but she was my audience for taking apart two cribs and putting together two toddler beds. What a trooper, she sat and played with her toys and let me work, while I talked myself through the directions and every once in a while had time to make conversation with her.
Cribs down, beds up, Kinsley down for the night, and just waiting for Sara and the girls to get home...
I met them in the garage and got them situated until I could get the video camera all set so I could capture the moment on camera. In the house they came, down the hallway, and into their rooms with excitement!
The excitement lasted until we got ready for bed and put them into their beds, prayed, sang, and gave kisses and high fives.
Before we got down the hallway to look at our video monitor, Riley was out of bed at the door. I went down to pick her up and put her back into bed with instructions that it was night time and that she needed to stay in her bed. I left while Riley was throwing a fit, which got Ady going. As I got back down the hallway, both girls were out of their bed, ready to escape, so Sara and I went in to pick up, put down, and use more stern instructions to keep them there (we will take something from their bed if they get up again - blanket, stuffed animal, etc.)
High pitch screams, tantrums, and full body flailing followed. Two more trips and two items confiscated sent them into more of a tizzy and escalated the situation enough that it woke Kinsley.
By midnight Ady is asleep and Kinsley went back down when Riley finally gives in - MOMMY AND DADDY WON THAT BATTLE!
Night #1 with Big Beds down!
OODLES MORE TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!
ABOVE - It did not matter that Sara and I got a KING SIZE bed because the girls took it over!!!!!!
Look at them - they remind me of a roller-coaster ride!
They do look like they're on a roller coaster!