Our Girls!!!!!!

Our Girls!!!!!!
Cute, Cute, CUTE!!!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

NO!!!! MUMMA DO IT!!!!!

I can't tell you how much of an untapped resource that I am.  My potential as a father has not gotten past "the tip of the iceberg" of fatherhood!  Let me give you a little big of insight...
  • One or both twins falls down and hurts themselves.  I am right there ready to swoop them up and be the hero where I can comfort them, but they scream, cry, whine, etc - MUMMA, NO!!!  MUMMA!!!!!
  • "Up pease" (we're having trouble with our L sounds these days) - so if Sara is busy, or has her hands full, I will come over and say, "Here Ady/Riley, I will pick you up, come by daddy!". - NO, MUMMA! (And that phrase can be said many, many different ways!
  • "I have to go potty"...
  • "I have to go poopy"...
  • "Change diaper?"...
  • "Juice pease"...
  • "Take a bath?"...
  • "Read books?...
  • Etc, Etc, Etc.
I offer all the time to help, but I get the same response - NO, MUMMA!

It has come to the point where I don't even offer my help anymore and just say, "Sara, the girls want you, they won't let me help them."


Depending on the situation, I pretend like I didn't hear what they said and just do it anyway while they scream and cry because their mommy didn't do it and although it is done now, they still want Mumma to come over and do whatever they wanted, because for some reason I must have done it wrong...


I try to sound really, really fun and try to persuade them to want me to help them or do whatever they wanted Mumma to do.  THIS NEVER WORKS BY THE WAY!

I have determined that I am the guy that is suppose to do all of the dirty work and the "behind the scenes" work.  I can't tell you how frustrating it is because it makes me feel like an incapable, awful father that can't do a thing correctly and is NOT WANTED!

It makes me think that I fall into that category of:  DEAD-BEAT DADS.

I am not a DEAD-BEAT DAD - I have a ton to offer and I have a ton of unused potential that is just waiting to come out.  I really hope that my daughters use this resource in the near future because Sara is going nuts in a different way because my lack of wanted help!

Sorry, Sara - I am trying to help as much as I can!!!!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Great blog Isaiah! I love the photos!!

    They already have your number and are already controling you so that you get the message - loud and clear - they are in charge of the house, not you, big guy, them! :)
