Our Girls!!!!!!

Our Girls!!!!!!
Cute, Cute, CUTE!!!!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Potty at Target

As I took my girls (Ady and Riley) to go potty yesterday evening, two things came to mind.

1.  At what age are girls too old to be able to go into a men's restroom? 


2.  How in the world can boys/men be so disgusting?

I suppose I will get back to those in a minute, but let me catch you up.  When we go shopping, we usually do it in a method where I drive the van to the store and then I become the drop-off and pick-up man while telling the girls that Mommy will be right back.  Depending upon their moods, I get a CD playing so we do sing-alongs, I have the option of a fine selection of DVDs, I drive around and talk their ears off and vice versa, and/or I go park and do one of the above options.

We had my father-in-law along because he wanted to stop off at Men's Warehouse to pick up some sweaters because of a great sale.  So we did that and then Noodles for dinner, and then Target.

I dropped Sara off at the entrance and then went and found an easy accessible parking spot so I could be out of the way and still be able to see the exit when Sara came out so I could have a quick and easy pick-up.  Dora was playing on the DVDs, so Ady and Riley were watching and Kinsley was listening (she is still sitting backwards - poor girl).  We got in our stall and I put it in park and then Riley says "Daddy, I have to go potty" and then I hear an echo, "Daddy I have to go potty toooooooo". 

Come on really?  I have to say, thank goodness Bob was along because he stayed back with Kinsley so I could take the girls.  I gave them a pep talk about listening to me and doing exactly as I say, while also reminding them that if they don't listen to me, I will take away their ice cream cone that I promised them on the way home from McDonald's - love those 49 cent cones - ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM!!!!
So off we went (I honestly don't know what I would have done if Bob weren't along because I don't know how I would have done it with holding Kinsley also).

I took the girls out of their seats, and held on to each of their hands as we walked across the parking lot to the door.  In we went and to the restroom we went.  We got in and the first question popped into my head:


We walked in and the hadicapped stall was open - SCORE!  There was another stall that someone was going #2 in and letting everyone know about it - I thought the girls handled it very nicely: 

RILEY:  Daddy, a man in there?
ME:  Yes there is honey (I was whispering).
ADY:  Daddy, that man going poopy?
ME:  Yes, he is going poopy (I was still whispering).
(the man farted)...
RILEY:  Tooted (as she smiled...)
ME:  (I chose to ignore that comment...) O.K. girls, no touching anything.  O.K.?  Riley you go first, Ady, stand here and don't touch anything.

As I lifted the seat with my shoe, I noticed someone before me had the diarhea because there was shit everywhere - under the toilet seat, all over the bowl - it was disgusting - which is where my second question came in:


RILEY:  That's dirty daddy, poopy (as she points to the toilet - very closely as she almost touches it - like I can't see which poop spot she is talking about).
ME:  Riley, don't touch it!
RILEY:  Daddy, I not touching it, just looking (in a very sweet tone).
ME:  O.K. - don't touch anything.
ADY:  Daddy, Riley wasn't touching it, just looking (as she was shaking her head no the whole time).
ME:  Thanks Ady.  Riley, I am going to hold you over the toilet so you don't touch anything.
ADY:  Daddy, you going to hold Riley?
ME:  Yup.  O.K. Riley go ahead.

So Riley goes and I button her up and Ady is touching everything she possibly can, while I am scolding her not to, and I can only imagine what this guy next to me is thinking as he is pooping away. 

RILEY:  Flush it daddy?
ME:  Yup, WAIT! (I grab her before she touches the lever) Whenever you use a public bathroom, you always use your foot, like this (I show her as I pick her up, line her foot up with the lever and let her push it with her foot).  Sara would be so proud - she is usually our clean-freak!
ADY:  My turn daddy?
ME:  Yup - your turn.

Same exact thing - Ady asks same questions as I hold her over the bowl and Riley is touching everything in sight.

We get done and take turns washing our hands and back out to parking lot where our van, Grandpa, and Kinsley await us.....

By the way, we beat mommy who was just picking up a few things and as we left the restroom, the man next to us was still pooping!


  1. Oh goodness, that is some good toddler conversation about going potty..in the men's room. Even with my twins when I take them potty in the ladies room, they say the same things. My twins have excellent noses and when they smell something they do not like, they will tell me and everyone around them..

  2. I will not let my husband read this post or I'm sure he'll use it as the reason that he can never take the girls in the restroom...
